Monday, May 17, 2010

Eighth grade language arts teacher shares her story

By Stephen Doak
Hi, my name is Stephen. I’m an 8th grader, and I usually have a partner for writing, but this time I’m on my own. I went down to Ms. Stickles's class and I interviewed her about her nice long years at Waldo Middle School.
Q1: How long have you worked here?
A: 14 years
Q2: Are you planning on going to a different school or getting a new job?
A: I love it here at Waldo and plan on staying a teacher. =)
Q3: How are your kids doing on there OAKS test 4th period?
A: Wonderful. Only 3 of 26 have not passed.
Q4: How old are you?
A: 41
Q5: If you could have any other job except for teaching, what would it be?
A: I think I would like to be a doctor, but I’m not smart enough.
Q6: If you suddenly had a vacation for three weeks, where would you go?
A: New York
So, there’s your interview on the Amazing Language Arts Teacher, Ms. Stickles! =) That’s all until next time!

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