Thursday, April 15, 2010

Teachers share reasons for choosing career paths

By Edith Cisneros & Jennifer Lopez

Have you ever wondered why teachers decided to be teachers? We did, and so we interviewed some teachers at Waldo to find out why they picked their career paths. We found some interesting information to share about our staff.

Mr. Blommendahl
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"I live, drink, eat, and breathe, social studies. Also, I had an inspirational teacher when I was in High School."

Mrs. Cuanas
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"I’ve always found the study of people and their environment fascinating. It's fun to learn if taught."

Mr. Jones
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"I liked English and journalism when I was young. I also like working with kids."

Ms. Rose
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"I’m very passionate about living a healthy life. I wanted to tell other people about that. It's especially important in middle school because that’s when their bodies are changing. It's also when they get bullied and face peer pressure."

Ms. Sasaki
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"I like working with children."

Ms. White
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"I couldn’t decide what science discipline I could choose."

Ms. Renfro
Why did you decide to be a teacher?
"So I could torture kids and because I love meeting new kids every year. I wanted kids to see that learning will help them in their lives."

These are just some of the reasons that teachers in our building picked teaching as a profession. I would like to be a lawyer (Edith), and I would like to be a nurse (Jennifer). Whatever you do, it's important to enjoy your work and be sure to study in school so that you will achieve your goals.

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