Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Science teacher reflects on decades of fond memories

By Ana Karina Victoria and Rosio Lopez

We went and interviewed Mrs. White, science teacher and life science teacher. She told us many things we didn't already know.
Q: Do you like teaching here?
A: No, I LOVE working here. The kids at Waldo are real sweethearts. It gives me so much pleasure in watching them grow up, learning how to become responsible and going from making childish choices to choices that will help them as they move into high school and beyond.

Q: Did you teach anywhere else before Waldo?
A: Yes, I taught in Henderson, Nevada, for 13 years before coming to
Waldo. My first year was at an elementary school teaching 5th grade.
After that year, I got a position at Brown Junior High School and
taught mostly 6th grade life science and a few classes of 8th grade
physical science.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: This is my 19th year.
Q: Are science and gardening the only things you teach?
A: Yes, they are my two favorite subjects.
Q: What college did you graduate from?
A: UNLV (University of Nevada at Las Vegas).
Q: When do you plan to retire?
A: Probably sometime in the next few years, but I'm already aware
that I'll miss the maybe I will sub like Mrs. Luke.
Q: What are you going to do after you retire?
A: I'm going to do a lot more gardening and reading.
Q: Do you have kids?
A: I have three children and one grandchild of my own, and I share
another child and three grandchildren with my husband.
Q: What are their names?
A: Nick, Lainie and Mandy.
Q: If you won the lottery would you still be a teacher?
A: I would teach at least another full year, but I would have some
major incentives and start a trust fund for college. Unfortunately, in
order to win the lottery, you have to play, and I think I've played
twice so far...

This is what we found out about Mrs. White. Now you know many things
you didn't know about her!

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