Monday, April 12, 2010

Jerkers and non-jerkers talk about dancing trends

By Alexis Garza and Lyric Pendergrass

Lately there has been a lot of jerking and jerking battles. A lot of kids here at Waldo like to jerk and are in crews. We wanted to write this story because a lot of people are into jerking, but a lot of people think it's immature. We think it's alright, and this is what we learned from others:

Q. Do you jerk?
A. No, because it’s dumb and you do the same moves over and over.
-Big Mac
Q. Would you like to learn how to jerk?
A. Sure, it would make me look cool.
-Marissa Gomez (future freshman representative)
Q. Have you ever been in a jerking battle?
A. Yes, I have been in a jerking battle and I won!
-Freddy Figueroa
Q. Are you in a jerking crew?
A. No, I’m not in a crew because I can’t jerk. :(
-Coach Ron
Q. Are you in a jerking crew?

A. Yes it’s called Careless Kids.
Q. Do you think jerking is stupid or cool?
A. I think jerking is stupid.
Q. Do you know anybody that jerks?
A. Yes, but he goes to a different school.
-Diana Santana
Q. What’s you favorite part about jerking?
A. I like to watch it and I dig the moves. :)
-Coach Ron
Q. Do you think kids should get in trouble for jerking?
A. No, because it's just like dancing, and it's not disruptive.
-Ms. Ferdig
So as you can see some people like to jerk, but some people don’t and they think jerking is stupid. Jerking is sort of like break dancing, but some moves are different. The popping is kind of the same. If you want to see some jerking, the best place to go is the cafeteria in the morning. We'll see you there!

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