Friday, April 9, 2010

Students ponder whether world will end in 2012

By Jessica Zamarron

I decided to interview a few students and about how they feel and what they think about 2012. Here are the three questions with the answers.

Interview with Berenice Garcia:
Q: What do you think about 2012?
A: "I think that this is all just a prophecy. This is the 6th cycle, so I think there is much more to come."
Q: Do you think that the world is going to end in 2012?
A: "NO, but I think something will happen."
Q: Have you seen the movie 2012?
A: "Yes, but I was disappointed and I thought the movie would be much better, although I did like how they put different theories into the movie."

Q: What do you think about 2012?
A: "I think that they shouldn’t be making such a big deal out of it. If it happens then it happens. But if they could do something to save the world then that’s good, too."
Q: Do you think that the world is going to end in 2012?
A: "NO, but maybe things will happen."
Q: Have you seen the movie 2012?
A: "Yes but I didn’t like it."

Q: What do you think about 2012?
A: "I don’t think anything will happen."
Q: Do you think the world is going to end in 2012?
A: "Probably not."
Q: Have you seen the movie 2012?
A: "Yes."

Ana Karina:
Q: What do you think about 2012?
A: "I think it is not true."
Q: Do you think the world is going to end?
A: "No."
Q: Have you seen the movie 2012?
A: "Yes, I think it’s pretty made up."

My own opinion is that there is a 50-50 chance that it will happen, but we will have to wait until that date. People should just act normal and not freak out about the world ending. So what do you think about 2012?

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