Monday, October 26, 2009

Sixth graders favor pizza, nachos, Avison, Kriens

By Jessica Zamorron and Karina Mendez

We interviewed sixth graders to listen to what they like about Waldo and what they dislike. Here are some things that they said:

David Aragon said, "I like Waldo better than elementary school because
Waldo has better food."

We asked him what is his favorite subject and he said, "I like Social Studies and P.E."

We asked him if he liked Waldo lunch or elementary lunch. He said, "Waldo lunch because Waldo has better pizza."

We also asked him if he could change anything about Waldo what would it be?

"I wish it would be less crowded."

Finally we asked him who is his favorite teacher and he said, "Ms. Avison."

We interviewed Greselda Mantero and we asked her does she like Waldo or elementary better.
She said, "Waldo because I get to see more of my friends."

We also asked her what are her favorite classes and she said, " FACS, Social
Studies and Language Arts."

Third we asked her if she likes elementary lunch or Waldo lunch.

"I like Waldo lunch."

Next we asked her who is her favorite teacher and she said,
"Ms. Avison, because she is fun."

Last we asked her what would she like to change about Waldo.
"I would like to change dress code."

We interviewed Alejandro Garifas and asked him if he like Waldo or
elementary better. He said, "Waldo, because it is fun."

We also asked him what his favorite classes are and he said, "P.E., Language Arts and Industrial Technology."

Third we asked him what lunch does he like better, Waldo or elementary. He said, "Waldo
because they have bigger nachos."

If he could change anything about Waldo it would be the "dress code because it
is dull."

We asked him who is his favorite teacher and he said, " Ms. Avison because she is fun."

Justice Gonalves said, "I like Waldo because I get to see all of my friends."

We asked her what are her favorite classes, and if she liked Waldo lunch or elementary lunch better. She said, "My favorite class is Language Arts, and I like Waldo lunch better."

Last we asked her if she could change anything about Waldo what would it be, and
who is her favorite teacher.

"I would change dress code and my favorite teacher is Ms. Avison."

This is our interview about sixth graders. A lot of them don't like dress code
and their favorite teachers are Ms. Avison or Ms. Kriens.

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