Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mustangs run their fastest for Cross Country

By Leslie Sanchez and Jennifer Roque Caballero

Interview with a male cross country athelete:
1. What is cross country?
It’s just something where kids can stay in shape and have fun running.
2. How long is cross country?
It’s like for 6 weeks and it ends October 26.
3. When was your first meet?
It was in September 28 and there was another one on October 5.
4. What days are practices for cross country?
Its Monday though Friday from 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
5. What do you like about cross country?
It’s fun and easy to do. A lot of people really run the whole time in the meets.

Interview with Coach Rose:
6. Is it cool coaching cross country?
Ms. Rose loves it. She has 15 people who really work hard and want to stay in shape for others sports like volleyball, football, and basketball.
7. What grade do you have to be to get in cross country?
All grades including 6th, 7th, and 8th.

Interview with a male who is not in cross country:
8. Is Ms. Rose a good coach for cross country?
Yes, she is really nice and we enjoy being with her in cross country.
9. Why didn’t you join cross country?
Because I am not good at running.

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