Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ann's Assorted Advice for Students

by Ann Weathers

Every question asked about advice is totally anonymous. Some questions we got were these:
How are some ways to get homework done during school?

Answer: The best way to get homework done is to do it before school, during free time, or even lunch.

How are some ways to get better at a basic school subject?

Answer: Get help from a student tutor, Saturday school, or get help from a parent, friend, and maybe a teacher.

How do you get your grades caught up, if you are behind in a class?

Answer: Some ways to get caught up in class is to go to the class your behind in. Ask the teacher if there is anything you can do to get caught up For example extra credit work.

How do you work out things with your bf/gf?

You should either talk to him or her to solve what the conflict is.

Tip of the day:
Don’t get mad get glad!

If someone is trying to put you down. Don’t let them.

What do you do when the guy says he is leaving town and he can’t keep in touch at moments?
RUN!! When he says he won’t be able to talk, then he isn’t interested. Only for a little while he was in town.

If somebody wants to start rumors, and they spread, what do you do?

Face it, the only opinion is yours, your opinion is the one that matters, it doesn’t matter what people think of you. It’s up to you on what you do and if it bothers you confront the person who is starting it. But remember revenge isn’t the answer.

How do you find out how to know if your crush likes you?

If you like some one the best thing to do is to really get to know them. When the time comes you or that special someone will confront you and ask you a special question. The question can be something like, do you like me? But sometimes its in different ways.

How can you use your anger in your disadvantage? Like how can you use it in your way?

If you got some anger, and you are trying to find a great way to let it out and feel good about it, with out hurting anyone. Go to a gym, work out punch a punching bag around, but you have to remember if some one makes you mad, just restrain yourself against it, go to a gym…

Tip: If someone says something and it’s not true but you don’t know for sure. Then ask the person yourself.

How to stay out of trouble?

Well if you are getting in trouble the best thing to do is seek out why you’re getting in trouble, may I suggest, maybe its relatives or maybe friends…you figure it out, with your situation everyone has new ones. Also different ones.

How to stay away from people that are going to get you in trouble.

If you want to stay away from trouble, stay away from the people that get in trouble the most, like in class or in the hall way, even with their parent maybe.

How do you solve your problems as in choosing between two girls/ or guys.

If you want to solve some issues. Then ask yourself these questions. Which one knows you best, which one likes you more, just ask yourself questions about them and narrow them down.

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