Friday, November 20, 2009

Waldo Celebrates Veterans' Service

By Ben Hurley

Last week was Veterans Day, so I interviewed Mr. Conwell about his service to our country in the Army National Guard.

Q: Where have you been stationed?

A: I have been sent to both South Korea and Singapore for training exercises, but in the Army National Guard, I work in Oregon for one weekend a month.

Q: How many push-ups can you do?

A: The Army requires me to do an annual physical fitness test that encompasses push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2 mile run. I used to be able to do 70 in two minutes, but now it is more like 50. As for sit-ups, I can do 75 in two minutes. I am running a 16 minute 2 minute mile.

Q: Who are some of the people you have worked with overseas?

A: I have worked with soldiers from both the R.O.K. Army (Republic of Korea Army) and Singapore Armed Forces. I have been to numerous places in the United States with the Army for training exercises and real-world missions. Louisiana-New Orleans, after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Montana, Georgia, Missouri, Idaho, Colorado, Washington, and Hawaii.

Q: When did you join the Army National Guard?

A: November 17, 2000.

Q: When did you get out of the Army National Guard?

A: I still am a member of it. I have 11 more years to go before I can retire.

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