Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Day at School

By Gavin Fowser
If you walk through the halls you’ll see it all.
The teachers are teaching.
While the students are learning.
Some students are testing when some are working.
In the gym the students are running and playing games.
Then in between the periods you’ll see the students scurry from class to
class or from their locker to another class.
At lunch the students will eat and go the gym or go to the library and play
Then they go back to class and do their work as other students come and get
their lunch.
At the end of the day, you’ll hear a yell as the students get out of class to go home.
The lockers slam after getting their stuff to head home.
Some head to their bus while others walk.
The next morning they come to school.
They put their stuff in their lockers and go to class.
Their day starts all over again.

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