Thursday, November 5, 2009


By Ana Barajas

In Life,
there exists a Sharpie.
One you cannot see.
It is up to you
Whether or not to use it or not.
If given a decision,
It will be as if asking if you want to use the Sharpie.
Remember that a Sharpie is permanent,
And in Life,
It will leave it's mark.
It will always be your decision to use it or not.
Your actions and words you say to others is always written in Sharpie,
In their minds and memories.
If the treat you with no respect
It will be their Sharpie that will be used.
Everyone's Sharpie never dries up.
People that know and think that this is correct,
That some think that a Sharpie is an example of a decision,
Have a bettter concept of what the right choice is.
So I hope that before you choose right away,
Think of what should be the right choice
And ask yourself:
"Will it be written in Sharpie?"

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