Thursday, November 12, 2009

Peer Helpers introduce new students to Waldo

By Anna Mejia

Hello my name is Anna Mejia. I'm writing this so you know what Peer Helpers are and what their jobs are. Peer Helpers are students who help at our school and show new students where their classes are and open their lockers. They show them which lunch they have.

If you want to become a Peer Helper, you need to have good grades, manners, respect, and you have to be in 7th or 8th grade. All you have to do is ask your counselor!

I interviewed Anna Barajas. I asked, " Do you enjoy peer helping?" She replied "Yes, I do. It's very fun!" I asked, "Would you peer help next year?" She replied, " Yes, I would. I enjoy making new friends and helping others."

If you need help with anything ask a PEER HELPER!!! If you want to become a Peer Helper, ask your counselor!!! You can do anything if you are a Peer Helper at our school!!!

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