Thursday, September 3, 2015

Test September 2015

Friday, February 18, 2011

Civil Rights leader honored for his contributions

By Abi Martinez and Alejandra Ochoa

Martin Luther King Jr. was a special person to the world. He stopped racism and united all people with different skin colors. Martin Luther King Day is MLK’s birthday, and it is a very special day to remember the person who made our world more fair. Here are some questions that we asked the students, and their opinions on racism.

Q: What did you do for MLK day?
Mrs. Renfro: I went with some Waldo students to Washington Elementary and read books to first graders.
Richie: I slept most of the day.
Kathy: Hanged out with my cousins.

Q: Do you think racism still exists, and how?
R: Yeah, because people make racist jokes.
K: Yes, because people make fun of other people in a different race.

Q: What would you do to stop racism?
R: Tell people not to be mean to someone of a different race.
K: Make posters that say “stop racism”.

Q: Do you think racism is fair?
R: No, because it offends people.
K: No, because it’s not nice.

Q: Do you think that Martin Luther King made a big change in racism?
R: Yes, there’s not that much racism anymore.
K: Yes, because people from different races unite more with each other.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a really good guy for this world. He made peace between whites and blacks. This world now has less racism because of Martin Luther King, and the changes he made in this world. There is still some racism out there, but you can make a change just like Martin Luther King did.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mustangs reflect on fun football season

By Nick Swindle & Greffy Tom

Football season has been pretty big here at Waldo ever since it started in 1959. They had a 5-1 season. In 2010, Waldo had a 1-5 season. We wondering about the history of football at Waldo because we both played last season. It was fun, but we would've liked to have won more games.

We asked some of the key players questions about the teams:

Q1: What position were you?
Why you like it?
Q2: Did you make starter and why?
Q3: What made you join football?
Q4: Who were your inspirations?
Q5: What did you do to get prepared for a game?

These were Anchen Rain's answers:

A1: I played wide receiver and I liked it because I got to make touchdowns.
A2: Yes, coach thought I was good.
A3: I like football.
A4: The coach, because he was a leader.
A5: I prayed before a game

These were Jose “Nacho” Alcantar answers:

A1: I play halfback and I liked it because I got to make touchdowns.
A2: Yes, I was good.
A3: I like football.
A4: All NFL.
A5: Go to sleep early.

These were Jonathan Ibanez answers:

A1: I play middle linebacker and I like it because I get to tackle.
A2: Yes, I improved.
A3: I always wanted to join.
A4: My family played.
A5: I stretched before.

It was fun playing, and even though we didn't have many wins we did have a good time. We're both planning to attend McKay this fall, and we look forward to playing for the Royal Scots football team. Playing football is a great way to get out aggressions on the field and that's just one of the reasons that we like it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Students weigh in on pros and cons of semester

By Abi Martinez and Alejandra Ochoa

Everybody likes second semester because you get new classes and meet new people. Also, you can learn new things for you electives. Sometimes, it's a bummer because some of those classes are classes that you don’t like. You may not have friends in those classes. We asked people what they thought about their new classes.

Did you get good grades for first semester?
Adriana: No, not really.
Monse: Yes, well kind of.
Mariela: No.

What new classes did you get?
A: Cooking and woodshop.
M: Woodshop, cooking, and office aide.
Ma: Piano, Music Theater, and aide for woodshop.

Did you like you classes?
A: Not really because some of them are boring.
M: Yeah, because in my classes there are nice people.
Ma: No, they’re boring.

Out of all your classes which one is your favorite?
A: Cooking, because I get to eat.
M: Office aide, because I have fun with Emberly
Ma: Like I said, they are boring I don’t find anything interesting in them.

Do you think you’ll get a good grade this semester?
A: If I try hard then yes.
M: If I try then yes hopefully (:
Ma: Yes, except for some because they look hard.

Second semester as you can see, is sometimes good, and sometimes not so much. Did you like your second semester classes?

Did you get good grades for second semester? We like some of second semester classes. We look forward to high school when we'll have more choices.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Library features thousands of books!

By Martin Ramirez

My name is Martin Ramirez and I went to interview Ms. Nelson and a Student Aide about the library. I like visiting the library, and I wanted to know more about all the books. Sometimes on the weekend I like to visit the downtown library, and it's fun to go to the school library with my classmates.

Q: Do you know how many books are in the library?
A: About 12,000 books!
Q: How many books did you read in 2010?
A: A lot of books.
Q: What is one of your favorite books here in the library?
A: Hunger Games.
Q:How many years have you been working here?
A: Two and half years.
Q: Do you like teaching here in the library?
A: Yes, a lot. I like the students, too.

Andrew Schafer, Student Aide

Q: Do you like being a student aide?
A: Yes, because it's fun.
Q: Would you want to be a teacher when you grow up?
A: No, I don’t want to be a library teacher.
Q: Why did you choose this class?
A: Because I like to help.
Q: What do you do here?
A: Check books and help the students find books.

That was my interview with Ms. Nelson. If you want to know more then you can visit the library and ask Ms Nelson more questions.

Mrs. Hodson might want to be a stunt devil

By Craig Shively Jr. Miller

I was curious about the work that staff do in the office, so I interviewed Mrs. Hodson about her job. I thought they just took calls, but I learned that they do much more. These are the questions and answers that I asked her:

1. What do you do in the office?
2. What do like about your job?
3. Do you like the people you work with?
4. What’s your favorite thing to do in the office?
5. If there were one thing you could change then what would it be?
6. What’s the worst thing here in the office?
7. If you got a job offer to be a stunt devil, would you do it?

1. Mrs.Hodson said, "I am the office manger."
2. Mrs.Hodson said, "I love helping kids and working with teachers and office staff."
3. Mrs.Hodson said, "I like them a lot."
4. Mrs.Hodson said, "Eat chocolate and work hard."
5. Mrs.Hodson said, "No kids would need to come to the office with referrals."
6. Mrs.Hodson said, "Kids who come down here with referrals."
7. Mrs.Hodson said, "If I get a lot of money."

It was interesting for me to learn that they are kind of funny in the office, and they have a good time doing their jobs. Someday I might want to work in a school office. That would be my Plan C. Plan A is to be a doctor and Plan B is to be a sargeant in the U.S. Army.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Juice and Nachos Desired by Many

By Erik Lopez and Adolfo Maciel

Pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, and tacos. These are some of the choices at lunch on a regular day at Waldo. When we asked what food students would like on the menu, about two-thirds of the Waldo population wanted nachos back. Students also complain about the limited variety of beverages during lunch. This brought up some speculation, so we decided to do some investigating.

Q1: Do you like school lunches? If so, why?
Q2: What is your favorite item on the menu?
Q3: What would you like to add to the menu here at Waldo?
Q4: Would you add juice to the menu? Why?
Q5: Are the lunch ladies nice to you?

Jorge Garibay
A1: Yeah, I like school lunches because of the pizza.
A2: Veggie pizza.
A3: Nachos from last year.
A4: I would add juice because milk doesn't go good with lunches here.
A5: Some of the lunch ladies are nice to me.

Diego Hernandez
A1: No, they taste bad.
A2: Cheeseburgers are my favorite thing
A3: I want to bring nachos back.
A4: Yes, because I'm tired of milk!
A5: Yeah, I guess they are nice.

Wishes to Remain Anonymous
A1: Sometimes, because I get hungry and feel like eating.
A2: The Chinese food with noodles is my favorite.
A3: Uh...I don't know what I would add.
A4: Yes, I want orange juice and apple juice.
A5: Sure... except one guy at pizza doesn't ask what you want.

In conclusion, most students at Waldo like school lunches. The nachos were wanted back by popular demand. Juice is also craved by the people of Waldo. Our personal opinion is that most items on the school lunch menu are pretty good, but we still want our juice and nachos back.