Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Students weigh in on pros and cons of semester

By Abi Martinez and Alejandra Ochoa

Everybody likes second semester because you get new classes and meet new people. Also, you can learn new things for you electives. Sometimes, it's a bummer because some of those classes are classes that you don’t like. You may not have friends in those classes. We asked people what they thought about their new classes.

Did you get good grades for first semester?
Adriana: No, not really.
Monse: Yes, well kind of.
Mariela: No.

What new classes did you get?
A: Cooking and woodshop.
M: Woodshop, cooking, and office aide.
Ma: Piano, Music Theater, and aide for woodshop.

Did you like you classes?
A: Not really because some of them are boring.
M: Yeah, because in my classes there are nice people.
Ma: No, they’re boring.

Out of all your classes which one is your favorite?
A: Cooking, because I get to eat.
M: Office aide, because I have fun with Emberly
Ma: Like I said, they are boring I don’t find anything interesting in them.

Do you think you’ll get a good grade this semester?
A: If I try hard then yes.
M: If I try then yes hopefully (:
Ma: Yes, except for some because they look hard.

Second semester as you can see, is sometimes good, and sometimes not so much. Did you like your second semester classes?

Did you get good grades for second semester? We like some of second semester classes. We look forward to high school when we'll have more choices.

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