Friday, May 28, 2010

Attendance aides give their all at the office

By Jessica Zamarron

At Waldo there are students who work at the attendance office. They are called attendance aides. They pass out call slips and things like that. There are two to three attendance aides per period. I interviewed one attendance aide and a teacher to see what they do.

Alexis Martinez, 7th grade student:
Q: Why did you want to be an attendance aide this year?
A: "I wanted to be an attendance aide because it sounded fun and I feel like
I’m helping out the office ladies."
Q: What is your favorite part about being an attendance aide?
A: "My favorite part about being an attendance aide is going and getting the
Q: Would you recommend being an attendance aide to someone else?
A: "Yes, I would."
Q: Would you like to be an attendance aide next year?
A: "Maybe."

Interview with Mr. Sackley, 7th grade counselor:
Q: About how many people sign up to be an office aide each year?
A: "About 100!"
Q: Why do most students like to be office aides?
A: "Most students like to be office aides because they feel they are helping
the school and they don’t have to worry about homework and tests grades."
Q: What is one good thing about being an office aide?
A: "One good thing about being an office aide is that they really help the
administrators and the counselors. They help put in the attendance."
Q: What year did Waldo have the most office aides?
A: "It’s always a popular elective."
Q: Since when did Waldo start having attendance aides?
A: "Well, it has been here as long as I’ve been teaching. (10 years)"

So if you would like to be an attendance aide then sign up using your elective sheet. In order to be an attendance aide you must have good grades. So keep up your grades.


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