Friday, May 28, 2010

Students of the Month revel in their success

By Edith Cisneros, Jennifer Lopez & Jessica Zamarron

We interviewed Mr. LaFountaine to ask him about student of the month.
Q: Why did you decide to do this activity?
A: I didn’t start it.
Q: How did you decide which students to pick?
A: Ms. Swinnerton sends an e-mail to all the teachers and asks which students would make a good student of the month.
Q: How long have you been doing this?
A: I don’t know. At least more than one year.
Q: Has anyone been chosen twice in one year?
A: No, not that I know of.
Q: Has there ever been someone that has been chosen during all three years at Waldo?
A: Yes.
Q: Does any other school do this activity?
A: Yes.
Here are some interviews with students who were students of the month.
Janet Cilderon, 6th grader:
Q: Who were you nominated by?
A: I was nominated by my teachers.
Q: What month did you get nominated?
A: September.
Q: Were you expecting it?
A: No.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: Surprise, because I didn’t see it coming.
Janeyry Reyes, 7th grader:
Q: Who were you nominated by?
A: I don’t know. They didn’t tell me.
Q: What month did you get nominated?
A: January.
Q: Were you expecting it?
A: No, I didn’t even want to be student of the month.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: Shocked.
David Webb, 8th grader:
Q: Who were you nominated by?
A: I don’t know.
Q: What month were you nominated ?
A: September.
Q: Were you expecting it?
A: No, I wasn’t.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: Surprised.

It's an honor to win, or even to be nominated. Teachers look at good grades, behavior, and attendance when making their selections. Do your best and maybe you'll be a winner, too!

Attendance aides give their all at the office

By Jessica Zamarron

At Waldo there are students who work at the attendance office. They are called attendance aides. They pass out call slips and things like that. There are two to three attendance aides per period. I interviewed one attendance aide and a teacher to see what they do.

Alexis Martinez, 7th grade student:
Q: Why did you want to be an attendance aide this year?
A: "I wanted to be an attendance aide because it sounded fun and I feel like
I’m helping out the office ladies."
Q: What is your favorite part about being an attendance aide?
A: "My favorite part about being an attendance aide is going and getting the
Q: Would you recommend being an attendance aide to someone else?
A: "Yes, I would."
Q: Would you like to be an attendance aide next year?
A: "Maybe."

Interview with Mr. Sackley, 7th grade counselor:
Q: About how many people sign up to be an office aide each year?
A: "About 100!"
Q: Why do most students like to be office aides?
A: "Most students like to be office aides because they feel they are helping
the school and they don’t have to worry about homework and tests grades."
Q: What is one good thing about being an office aide?
A: "One good thing about being an office aide is that they really help the
administrators and the counselors. They help put in the attendance."
Q: What year did Waldo have the most office aides?
A: "It’s always a popular elective."
Q: Since when did Waldo start having attendance aides?
A: "Well, it has been here as long as I’ve been teaching. (10 years)"

So if you would like to be an attendance aide then sign up using your elective sheet. In order to be an attendance aide you must have good grades. So keep up your grades.


Waldo bids fond farewell to LaFountaine, Wolfe

By Jessica Zamarron

At Waldo there is going to be a new principal next fall, and there will also be a new assistant principal. I interviewed Mr. Joe LaFountaine, our current principal, and asked him some questions.
Mr. LaFountaine:
Q: Why are you leaving our school?
A: "I am leaving because I had a good opportunity to help a high school
because they need help with academics."
Q: How long have you been working as a principal at Waldo?
A: "I have been working here for 7 years."
Q: Have you met the new principal?
A: "I have, and her name is Trish Nelson. She is the principal at Walker Middle
Q: Did you enjoy being the principal at Waldo?
A: "I LOVED being the principal. And I’m really sad to leave."
While I was writing, this story I also found out that Mr. Wolfe is leaving Waldo so I decided to interview him, too.
Mr. Wolfe
Q: Why are you leaving our school?
A: "I am leaving because I’m going to be a vice principal at Leslie M.S."
Q: How long have you been working here?"
A: "I have been working here for 7 years also."
Q: Have you met the new principal?
A: "I have met the new principal."
Q: Did you enjoy being the assistant principal?
A: "I did enjoy being the assistant principal."
Q: What are you going to do at another school?
A: "I’m going to be an assistant principal."
So say your final goodbyes to Mr. Wolfe and Mr. LaFountaine.


Thursday, May 27, 2010


By Alyssa Brown

Light hair
Beautiful eyes
Lover's kiss
Guess who it is ♥
His touch never scares me
And I know he loves
Everything about me
I bet no one knows
How sweet he can be…
Keep guessing
One week is all it took
For me to fall for him
I know he’ll never go
The person that I love is _____??!?!!


By Alyssa Brown

dawn never comes
for those who want it
night always comes
for those who dread it
light never reaches
someone who chases it
darkness touches
every one who hates it
vampires always
hate people who love them
humans always
love people who know them
now this might sound weird
but reality is bad.....
for some poeple anyway

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mrs. Nelson tells about the library and her life

By Ana Karina Victoria and Rosio Lopez

We interviewed Mrs. Nelson about her life. She’s our Waldo librarian teacher! She told us
about her life and what it's like. Here is what we found out.

Where were you born?
I was born in Gresham, Oregon
Do you often go there?
Well, I don’t really go there a lot any more because no family lives there.
What university did you go attend?
I went to Western Oregon University to get my teacher's license. Right now I am going to Portland State University to get a master's degree.
How long have you taught?
I have been a teacher in the library for two years.
Did you teach anything else before?
Yes, I have taugth 6th grade language arts and social studies, too.
If you won the lottery would you still be a teacher?
Yes I will always be in the library! I would buy my own library!

This is what we found out about Mrs. Nelson and her life. She is a really
nice teacher.

Waldo student tapped for local production

By Lupita Gonzalez, Berenice Garcia & Corrine Van Lier

Everyone loves art and there are a lot of ways to express art. Some types of art are comedies, action, romance, and even happiness. Can you guess what we are talking about? We are talking about acting, and at Waldo we have a class called Musical Theatre II. Student learn how to act and express emotions in this class. Here at Waldo, one of our students named Azael Ku Beiza got a part in a play presented at SKIT (Salem Keizer Inspirational Teen) Theatre called The Beauty and the Beast. We interviewed Azeal and Ms. Koenig, drama teacher at Waldo Middle School.

Questions for Azael Ku Beiza
Q: What part did you audition for?
A: The egg man or the bookseller.
Q: Why did you audition in the first place?
A: I auditioned because I like acting, singing and dancing a lot.
Q: Did you get the part you wanted?
A: Yes, I did. I am the Egg Man.
Q: Do you care if you don’t get the part you want?
A: Not really, as long as I’m in the cast.
Q: Do you think you’re a good actor?
A: Well, yea, kind of.
Q: Do you enjoy acting a lot?
A: Yes, a lot.

Questions for Ms. Koenig
Q: Do you encourage many people to audition for these plays?
A: Yes, I post the poster then I inform the students about it.
Q: Do you think everyone has the potential to be an actor?
A: Many people can be involved and have fun, but not everyone wants or can be a star.
Q: Have you ever auditioned for these plays?
A: No, but in high school I was in four musicals.
Q: Do you like what you do as a musical theatre teacher?
A: Yes, I’ve always loved musical theatre and I enjoy teaching very much.

All over the world people love acting and maybe you have a talent for acting. If you like acting but you're not sure how to start, then contact Ms. Koenig and she can help you with your situation!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mr. Randall's computer class enlightens students

By Stephen Doak

Hi, my name is Stephen. I went to go interview Mr. Randall about his computer class. Here is what he said.
Q1: What do you do in this class?
A: Computer generated imagery.
Q2: How many people are in this class total?
A: 24.
Q3: Do you have a favorite student or staff?
A: Mr. B.
Q4: Do you like teaching it?
A: I love teaching it.
Q5: Do you think the students like you?
A: Yes.
Q6: How long has this class been around?
A: 5 or 6 years.

I’m also in this class. We create really cool objects like the ones in video games. You make them move around, and you get to make a robotic arm. Later, you move around in a house. It’s actually pretty fun. Mr. Randall is really nice to. It can be really hard, so be prepared.

Iron Man 2 thrills most viewers

By Cristian Garibay and Jorge Romero

Iron Man 2 is a new movie that is the sequel to Iron Man. It is currently showing in the Salem Cinebarre Theater and the Regal Lancaster Mall. It is rated PG-13. Ticket information is available online. We wrote questions and asked them to Waldo 7th grade students Daniel Flores and Nick Swindle. We also interviewed Waldo computer tech guy Michael Daniels.

Q: Did you think that Iron Man 2 was a good movie?
A: Nick Swindle said yes. Daniel Flores said yes. Michael Daniels said no because sequels are never better than the first movie.
Q: What was your favorite part about Iron Man 2.
A: Daniel Flores said when Iron Man found the new element that was his favorite part, and Nick Swindle did not know his favorite part.
Q: Was the movie theater room full when you went to go see Iron man 2?
A: Daniel Flores said yes and Nick Swindle also said yes.
Q: Was it very interesting?
A: Daniel Flores and Nick Swindle both said yes.
Q: Was it better than the first one?
A: Nick Swindle said yes, definitely, and Daniel Flores said yes. Michael Daniels said no because of what he thought about sequels.

This is what these people thought about Iron Man 2. I (Cristian) look forward to seeing the movie, and I (Jorge) liked the movie. If you like action movies then you should check it out.

Michael Jackson and the environment

By Taylor Kelsey

We are a part of the world and there are children who have a long life ahead of them. We need to change our ways to make the earth a better place for humans and nature. If we change the earth it would be better to hang out and have fun. Start with the person you see in the mirror. One person can start a chain reaction. Ask your classmates and other people to help clean up the earth. Make that change. There is a message in all of Michael Jackson’s songs. He is trying to help the earth. He already did his job. Being the King Of POP. Traveling all over the world singing his hit songs. So, I believe Michael Jackson already did his part to help the earth.

Man in the Mirror lyrics-
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change)

I am going to interview a kid from Waldo to see how that person could change their
ways to change the earth to make the world better to live in. My questions
are …
How can you change your ways to help the environment?
Lyric Pendergrass: I will start recycling more and unplug my phone charger when I am doing using it.
Will you try to help the environment?
Lyric Pendergrass: Yes, because I want to be here a very long time in a nice and peaceful environment.
Will you listen to Michael Jackson’s songs to listen to the message and see how he was trying to help?
Lyric Pendergrass: Yeah, I already do listen to his message. I might tell my friends and encourage them to help out as well.

I hope you enjoyed my inspiring story about Michael Jackson and you will help the environment.


By Cynthia Rivera

I like summer
Because you don’t have to do any more work
All you have to do is relax
No more thinking to do
And you don’t have to do any math or reading
Or do any more tests
Instead you can go out with your friends
And have a really good time
But sometimes it’s pretty boring
And you want to go back to school to see all of your friends
That’s how I sometimes feel
But summer is still great
You can go swimming,
Or have a barbeque
Or have a picnic
And just have some fun
Some kids already have everything all planned out
Some kids aren’t really that sure what they’re going to do
I’m just going to hang out with my friends
And have some fun with my family
And maybe go swimming with my friends and family
And have a nice picnic with my family
Those are the things I enjoy doing during the summer
What kind of things do you enjoy during the summer?

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Pond

By Gavin Fowser

The river

I am going to the water falls and then to the ocean,

How ever long it takes,

As I see the great views,

It will take me awhile depending on how ever fast the currents go,

It will take longer for not all of me will be there when I am,

As I go I see the coolest views of caves and the water falls then I see

objects that don’t talk and aren’t water but the views are great,

I will go to the ocean but the rest of me will go different places I don’t know

Be my

By Gavin Fowser

Be my heart
Be my night
Be my blanket that warms me through the night
Be my umbrella that keeps me dry
Be my love
Be my light that guides me away from the dark
Be my blood that keeps me alive
Be my hand that helps me write
Be my brain that makes me smart
Be my teacher that teaches me
Be my friend that’s by my side
Be my parent that protects me
Be my eyes that help me see
Be me it will take you for a trip

Frida's fight against cancer inspires t-shirt action

By Chrysta Friday

Okay, so if you have been paying attention to the morning announcements, then you probably heard about the purple t-shirts for sale. The t-shirts are for a 15-year-old girl who was diagnosed with cancer. I interviewed Gina Dodds, a JGEMS student in seventh grade, to find out more. Frida's mom was once Gina's babysitter.

Q. What is her name?
A. Frida Salinas.

Q. What kind of cancer does she have?
A. Pancreatic cancer.
Q. Where does she live?
A. Here in Salem.
Q. What high school does she go to?
A. She goes to Sprague.
Frida was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma in December of 2009. It is a very rare cancer and is even rarer for a 15 year old girl to have it. On the 22nd of December, she had surgery to remove her tumor. She also had biopsies on her liver and her lymph nodes, and has also had her spleen removed. Frida has gone through 7 rounds of chemotherapy.
Her 7th round started in April. She is very strong and has been fighting all the way. There is one problem though. Frida has been hospitalized at Doernbecher. Since her family was denied health insurance, any medical needs not covered by the hospital fall to her family. A 10 day supply of medicine can cost up to $1600.

If you want to help you can go to

I wanted to write this story because I know people who have survived cancer and everyone has a chance of survival with proper medical care. I think that everyone in the country should have health care, but until that day comes we all have to pitch in to help those who don't.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Summer presents many possibilities for fun

By Giang Nguyen

Summer is almost coming, and everyone is getting excited. Whether they stay or go, summer is a time when everyone can get a long vacation from school. They can do whatever they like to do during summertime. If you have planned what to do for your summer already, then that is a good thing. But if you didn’t, then here is some stuff that you can do during summer. Blast your summer to a rocking good time!

1. Go to another country. Maybe Mexico or France!
2. Go to another state in the U.S. Maybe California or Florida!
3. Go to another city in Oregon. Maybe Portland or Oregon City!
4. Sleep over in a friend's house.
5. Have a rocking slumber party.
6. Going to the State Fair.
7. Go swimming.
8. Go to the beach.
9. Hang out with friends or cousins.
10. Hangout at the mall.
11. Go to the park. Maybe Livingston Park!
12. Get a summer job. Maybe babysitting!
13. Goes camping.
14. Goes to an outdoor concert.
15. Go hunting.

So there are some things that you can do during summertime. Now that you have a list of things to do during summer, you should enjoy your summer vacation and have fun during this time!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Waldo staff reflect on fond Mother's Day memories

By Berenice Garcia, Corinne Van Lier & Lupita Gonzalez

Mother's Day is a day to honor everything that our moms do for us, and here at Waldo we appreciate our staff members that take the time to work and be mothers at the same time. We went to ask some of our staff members about how their family has appreciated them in the past years. We interviewed Ms. Ferdig, passroom supervisor, Mrs. Schuetze, health assistant, and Mrs. Stratemeyer, attendance office supervisor.

What’s the most memorable Mother’s Day for you so far?
Ms. Ferdig: When we went to Disneyland.
Mrs. Schuetze: This year I had all my kids there with homemade presents.
Mrs. Stratemeyer: This year would be the best. We cooked food, and all my kids came over. They brought flowers and homemade gifts. It was the first year with my granddaughter.

What would be the perfect Mother’s Day for you?
Ferdig: Something surprising. Not just breakfast in bed.
Schuetze: It would be with all my children, grandma, and my mother together.
Stratemeyer: What we did this year is pretty close to perfect. If only we had gone to the beach.

Mother’s Day is a day to honor our wonderful moms. So what did you do to thank your mom?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Principal LaFountaine among ideal role models

By Giang Nguyen

Everyone should have their own role models. The person you think is cool is a role model, and that person will inspire you to be what you want to be. Role models can be anyone. I interviewed some different teachers and students about their role models. I asked why they chose those people.

Q: Who was your role model when you were younger?
Jessica Zamarron: My Mom.
Mrs. Cuanas: I didn’t have any.
Lupita Gonzalez: My Sister.
Coach Ron: My Dad.
Q: Who is your role model now?
Jessica Zamarron: My mom and cousins.
Mrs. Cuanas: Joe LaFountaine.
Lupita Gonzalez: Older Brother.
Coach Ron: Jesus.
Q: Do you ever wish you could be as good a person as your role model?

Jessica Zamarron: Yes.
Mrs.Cuanas: Definitely.
Lupita Gonzalez: All the time.
Coach Ron: Yes.
Q: Why did you choose this person as your role model?
Jessica Zammarron: Because they succeed.
Mrs. Cuanas: Because he is able to be a great example of a person overcoming adversity and demonstrating great leadership quality.
Lupita Gonzalez: Because they had dreams and they succeeded in those dreams.
Coach Ron: He was perfect.
Do you think you’re a good role model to others?
Jessica Zammarron: Yes, to my little sister.
Mrs. Cuanas: Yes, to most of them.
Lupita Gonzalez: Yes.
Coach Ron: Yes.

Now, who is your role model? Do they inspire you? My role model was Kimora Lee Simmons. You might not know her, but she sure is famous. She is a fashion designer, a model, a mom, and an actress. She inspires me to be a fashion designer because I love her fashion line. She is so talented that I just wish one day I would be like her. If you don’t have a role model yet, then I recommend that you go find one.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Embarassment happens for young and old alike

By Edith Cisneros & Jennifer Lopez

We wanted to learn more about the childhoods of our teachers and compare them to ours. We also wanted to find out what their embarassing moments were. We founds some good stories here in the hallways of Waldo.

Mr. Conwell
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in Middle School?
A: I couldn’t find my class. I ran to different classes.
Q: How did it happen?
A: I didn’t know what day it was, an A or a B day.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: I was sad and cried.
Q: Could you have prevented it?
A: Yes, because I could have had my planner.
Q: What grade were you in?
A: 7th grade.
Q: What Middle School did you go to?
A: I went to East Junior High.

Ms. Sasaki
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in middle school?
A: I threw up on my best friend at a dance.
Q: How did it happen?
A: I didn’t feel good. I got up to run to the bathroom, but didn’t make it.
Q: Could you have prevented it?
A: Yes, by staying home.
Q: What grade were you in?
A: In 6th grade.
Q: What middle school did you go to?
A: I went to Whitaker Middle School.

Mr. Stroup
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in middle school?
A: I spilled milk on my shirt.
Q: How did it happen?
A: I was laughing and drinking at the same time.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: Surprised and embarrassed.
Q: Could you have prevented it?
A: No, because when you drink and laugh at the same time it's hard to stop.
Q: What grade were you in?
A: 7th grade.
Q: What Middle School did you go to?
A: I went to Ferndale Elementary School.

Mrs. Rose
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment in middle school?
A: I knocked over a microphone and everyone was laughing.
Q: How did it happen?
A: I asked to hold something and went back to the seat but tripped on a cord.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: I turned bright red, and wanted to cry.
Q: Could you have prevented it?
A: Yes, if I didn’t step on the cord.
Q: What grade were you in?
A: In 8th grade.
Q: What middle school did you go to?
A: Whitaker Middle School.

Mr. Sackley
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment?
A: I was in P.E class and one of the fitness activities that we were required to do was to climb up a large rope that was attached to the roof of the gym. I was 1/3 of the way up when someone called out my name. I turned my head to see who it was, lost my grip, and felt on my rear. The whole class laughed.
Q: What was your reaction?
A: I turned bright red and felt so embarrassed. Kids kept talking about it for a week.
Q: Could you have prevented it?
A: Yes, by not paying attention to the person who called out my name.
Q: What grade were you in?
A: In 7th grade.
Q: What middle school did you go to?

A: Tillamook Junior High.

We hope you enjoyed reading about these embarassing moments from our teachers' past. Maybe if you've been embarassed, reading these stories would make you feel better. Embarassing moments happen to everyone!

Waldo tutors lend a hand at Washington

By Ana Karina Victoria and Rosio Lopez

Almost all of the people scheduled to be a Washington tutor for next year have been selected. Some 8th graders already had that class before and say that it is really fun. Working with kindergarteners is fun too. We interviewed Mr. Sackley about being a Washington tutor and what you need to become one.

Q: What do you need to do to be a Washington tutor?
A: You need to have a C+ or higher, few or no referrals, good attendance and really want to work with kids.
Q: Is it fun to be a Washington tutor?
A: Well, I have never been one, but the students say they love it.
Q: What do you do as a Washington tutor?
A: Well, it depends on the teacher, but some things you can do are helping teachers with bulletin boards or with whatever the teacher needs help with.
Q: Do students have this class every day?
A: No it is an every other day class.
Q: Is there a teacher that comes with you?
A: No, there aren’t. You go with your group.
Q: How many periods of this class are there this year?
A: There are five this year, but next year there could be more or less.
Q: How long has Waldo had the class of Washington tutors?
A: About twelve years.

So, as you can see, to be a Washington tutor you really have to want to help
kids. You also have to have good grades and you have to turn in your
elective sheet. If you have any questions about being a Washington tutor, you
can ask Mr. Sackley, Mrs. Brown or Mr. Curran.

Should rules about chewing gum be changed?

By Jessica Zamarron

Gum is not allowed at Waldo Middle School because it is really messy. At Waldo Middle School, if a teacher catches you with gum you could get a referral. However, there are schools that do allow gum. One of the reasons gum is not allowed at school is because teachers find gum under the tables and the janitor has to clean it. That is nasty.

I think that if gum was allowed, gum wouldn’t be stuck under the table. I think that students put the gum under the table when a teacher is coming so the teachers won’t catch them and give the students referrals.

I know I am not innocent, but I know that I am not the only one that chews gum
either. I think that most of the Waldo students have chewed gum even when it
is not allowed. I have gotten caught two times, but no referrals. If I was in
the Principal’s Round Table, I think I would mention that, but I don’t think
the principal would like that idea.
I interviewed a student, Christian Ventura, to see what he thinks about gum not being allowed
at Waldo.
Q: What do you think about gum not being allowed at Waldo?
A: "It sucks!!!!!"
Q: Would you like to change the rule about no gum?
A: "Yes, because then I could chew gum."
Q: Do you think that gum helps you concentrate in classes, tests,
pop quizzes or something anything like that?
A: "Yes, because it helps me concentrate a lot."
So if you think that chewing gum is okay and if you are in the Principal's Round Table than just mention that to him. Maybe next year, if we're lucky, we'll all be chewing gum!

Career aspirations discussed by Mustangs

By Gavin Fowser

What do you plan on doing when you get to college? What do you plan to do
when you graduate from high school? I have wondered for a long time what people
have in mind for when they grow up. What do they want to be? What do they want to do? Do they want a job or do they want to drop out? I decided to find out and did a survey then I came up with this:

What grade are you 6th, 7th, or 8th?
1. I am in 7th grade.
2. I am in 7th grade.
3. I am in 8th grade.
4. I am in 8th grade.
5. I am in 7th grade.
What is your name?
1. Jessica
2. Lupita
3. Trevyn
4. Kriss
5. Aylin
What do you want to be?
1. I want to be an optometrist.
2. I want to be a lawyer.
3. I want to be an NBA superstar.
4. I want to be a game designer.
5. I want to be a nurse.
Do you want to pass college or high school?
1. I want to pass both.
2. I want to pass both.
3. I want to pass both.
4. I want to pass both.
5. I want to pass both.
Now I made this so you could see that you can have dreams and you can do anything you want. So study hard and you could be what you want to be. It is possible. You just have to get good grades, practice good behavior, and you can do it. It just takes a little effort.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eighth grade language arts teacher shares her story

By Stephen Doak
Hi, my name is Stephen. I’m an 8th grader, and I usually have a partner for writing, but this time I’m on my own. I went down to Ms. Stickles's class and I interviewed her about her nice long years at Waldo Middle School.
Q1: How long have you worked here?
A: 14 years
Q2: Are you planning on going to a different school or getting a new job?
A: I love it here at Waldo and plan on staying a teacher. =)
Q3: How are your kids doing on there OAKS test 4th period?
A: Wonderful. Only 3 of 26 have not passed.
Q4: How old are you?
A: 41
Q5: If you could have any other job except for teaching, what would it be?
A: I think I would like to be a doctor, but I’m not smart enough.
Q6: If you suddenly had a vacation for three weeks, where would you go?
A: New York
So, there’s your interview on the Amazing Language Arts Teacher, Ms. Stickles! =) That’s all until next time!

Wall Ball promises action-packed fun

By Kenny Ingham and Stephen Doak

We have written a story about Enrichment Academy Wall Ball. We interviewed Christian Garibay, a player, and Mr. Brooks, one of the coaches. Here are the responses we heard:

Q1: Why do you like wall ball?
A: “I get to hang with friends.” (Christian)
“It’s a game for everyone and all are welcome.” (Mr. Brooks)
Q2: What makes a good player?
A: “If someone is fast enough to hit the ball they're good.” (Christian)
“A person who can think on their feet and isn’t afraid to try.” (Mr. Brooks)
Q3: Who are some of the star players?
A: “Can’t remember.” (Christian)
“Diego Lopez, Guillermo Lopez and Omar Guerro." (Mr. Brooks)
Q4: Do you like the coach/Do you like coaching?
A: “He’s nice and helps us get better.” (Christian)
“I love it with all my heart and I also play.” (Mr. Brooks)
Q5: Is wall ball your favorite sport?
“It’s one of them.” (Christian)
“It’s my favorite that’s not on TV but truly it’s tennis.” (Mr. Brooks)
Mr. Brooks has been coaching wall ball for seven years and the other coach, Mr. Larios, has been coaching for three years. There you go...a few words from a player and a coach. Maybe you will be playing wall ball too.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer plans evolve as school year winds down

By Ana Karina Victoria and Rosio Lopez

Summer break is almost here, so school is almost over too. The hot days are coming. We asked some people about what were they going to do during summer break and here is what some people told us.

What do you plan in doing during the summer?
Maria Mota: In the summer I am going to be playing lots of volleyball.

Summer is almost here. What are you going to do during the break?
Esmeralda Ramirez: I am not really sure about what we are going to do during
the summer. I guess I am going to stay home and go to The Kroc Center.

Do you plan on going somewhere during summer break?
Vanessa Caballero: In the summer I am just going to stay home. I'll play lots
of volleyball and some other sports.

What are you going to do during summer break?
Elizabeth Rodriguez: During the summer I'm going to stay home. I am going to
go to my cousins quinceañera and I am going to the State Fair.

This is what some people told us about what they're planning to do. Most of the people are going to stay home, but other people are going out of Oregon to visit family. I (Ana) am planning to go to California to visit family. I (Rosio) am planning to visit Mexico to visit family. Whatever you do, get out there and have fun!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Top Ten list for things to think about at Waldo

By Alyssa Brown

There are some things you should know if you want to "fit in" at Waldo and some things you should avoid. If you plan to stay here, then check out my list of things learned during my two years at this school.

1. Stand out.
2. Be yourself.
3. Don’t fake anything.
4. Find true friends.
5. Don’t date everyone you know.
6. Don't wait for something to come to you.
7. Express yourself.
8. If you have chances then take them.
9. Try to do at least one stupid thing while you’re here.
10. Be somewhat crazy.

If you don’t try these things then people will think there’s something wrong with you…well that’s what happened to me. But I stood out. I was myself and found my way.

Fun activities coming to a field near you

By Jorge Romero and Cristian Garibay

Field Day is a new program planned for the end of the year that will include many fun activities. We had Field Day in elementary school with games such as tricyle races, the tug-of-war, sponge throwing, rock climbing, and other fun things. Hopefully, Waldo will be able to match that fun we remember. These are questions we asked teachers and students to learn their opinions about field day.

Q: What activities are there going to be at field day?
A: Mario Robertson said that he thinks there might be stuff to throw at teachers. Ms. Swinnerton said there might be movies, games, popcorn, and a candy walk.
Q: When will Field Day be?
A: Ms. Swinnerton said it will be June 14 and it will be 90 minutes long.
Q: Do you think field day will be fun?
A: Christopher Jimenez said it will be boring.
Q: Will we have field day next year?
A: We don’t really know said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: What teachers will be attending Field Day?
A: Ms. Swinnerton said that any teachers who don't teach eighth grade will attend Field Day.

We think Field Day will be fun. If you want more information then ask Ms. Swinnerton.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elective sheets help you get what you want

By Berenice Garcia, Corinne Van Lier & Lupita Gonzalez

It’s the end of the year, and students are stressing about grades, filling out applications for school programs, and turning in all of their work and elective sheets. Elective sheets are very important because if you don’t turn them in then you won’t be able to have the classes you want, and this may cause you to end up paying visits to see your counselor. Since filling out your elective sheets is a big deal, we decided to go around and ask students and staff what they think and how they feel about elective classes.

Q: Why are elective sheets so important to you?
A: Kristin Sawyer: Because they give the student body a voice.
Uziel Corral: I agree with Kristin.
Q: What did you pick as your first choice for your elective class? Why?
A: Kristin Sawyer: Girls tech, because I can hangout with my friends.
Uziel Corral: Attendance aide because it seems cool.
Q: What do you think is the coolest elective class? Why?

A: Kristin Sawyer: Beginning piano, because I like to play the piano.
A: Uziel Corral: P.E. because of the sports you play.
Questions answered by Ms. Martinez, Spanish teacher, at Waldo Middle School.
Q: What class do you teach?
A: I teach Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish for Native Speakers, and study hall.
Q: Why do you enjoy teaching these elective classes?
A: Because I want to teach others about the Hispanic language and culture.
Q: Would you prefer to teach a different subject like Math or Reading?
A: Math would be okay, but nothing else because I used to teach math and I really enjoyed it.

As you can see, elective classes are very important. Be sure to turn in all your applications and paper work! Reminder: Elective sheets were due May 6, 2010. If you haven’t turned them in then please be sure to turn it into the office. For more information about elective sheets and classes please be sure to contact one of our counselors.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


By Alyssa Brown

People get lost
lost physically
lost mentally
lost when you get confused
And don’t know what you’re looking for
Or what you want
You never realize
That what you want
Is what you’re trying to run from
And what you’re looking for
You’re pushing to the side
This happens to a person
at least once in their lifetime
Have you ever been lost?
Lost can be hurtful
Lost can be challenging
Lost can be your future
I’m lost

Field Day promises fun for everyone

By Monsserrat Castro & Giang Nguyen

Not everyone knows what is going to happening on field day. Field day is a half day this year and it most likely will be on Monday of the last week of school. We ask Mr.Blommendahl and Ms. Swinnerton some questions about field day. What is it going to be like on field day this year?

Q: What type of thing would you like there to be on field day?
A: Fun activities. I hope that we can find some good games to play, said Ms. Swinnerton.

Q: What have you usually done on field day in past years?
A: I have never been in a field day, said Mr. Blommendahl.
A: We haven’t had a field day for the last five years, said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: Why is there a field day?
A: It's a good for all the kids, said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: When is field day?
A: Probably on June 14th, said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: Why can’t you get referrals or school suspensions then still attend field day?
A: Because we want students to have a positive behavior, said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: Is field day a full day or a half day?
A: Half day, said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: Who are the people that are charge of field day?
A: I’m the one who is in charge of it the most, but different teachers also help, said Ms. Swinnerton.
Q: Do you think field day will be fun or boring?
A: I like it, said Ms. Swinnerton.

We think field day will be fun, too. We hope that there will be activities like water balloon throwing, volleyball, races, soccer, and things like that. Make sure that your behavior is good during this next month so that you can attend, and we hope to see you there!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Uglies makes lovely reading

By Ana Karina Victoria and Rosio Lopez

Have you read uglies? It’s a really good fiction book that takes place in the future. If you're younger than 16 then you're ugly. When you turn 16 you get an operation that makes you pretty. Tally is excited about turning 16, but when the day of the operation comes something unexpected happens. You’ll have to read it to find out the surprise! We interviewed our librarian, Ms. Nelson, about this fine book.

Q: Who was you favorite character in Uglies?
A: I have to say that Tally is my favorite character from Uglies.
Q: What did you think of this book?
A: I think it’s a good adventure book and it makes you think.
Q: Would recommend Uglies as a book to read?
A: I would definitely recommend this book to someone!
Q: Did you like reading Uglies and why?
A: I liked reading Uglies because it was a series and I didn’t have to stop reading!
Q: Did you read the other books in the series?
A: I read all the books of the series and they're pretty good.
Q: What would you rate it from a 1 to 5?
A: I would give the book a 4½! (She compared to to The Hunger Games).
Q: Do you think they should make it into a movie?
A: Yes. It would be interesting if they made a movie, but it would somehow be really difficult to do it because it has a lot of future fiction.

Our opinion about Uglies is that it's really good because it keeps you interested. It has a lot of action and it can make you think about your own life. Check it out!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Students share thoughts about Cinco de Mayo

By Alexis Garza and Lyric Pendergrass

Most people know about Cinco de Mayo, but don’t celebrate it. Some celebrate it and have big parties or hang out with their families. Cinco de Mayo is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States. For example, a sky-diving club near Vancouver, Canada, holds a Cinco de Mayo skydiving event. In the Cayman Islands, in the Caribbean, there is an annual Cinco de Mayo air guitar competition. These are some facts we found at Wikipedia. So we asked some students what they knew about Cinco de Mayo.

Q. Do you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
A. Sometimes I do, but not most of the time.
-Pedro Valencia
Q. Are you going to have a party?
A. No, I’m not, but last year I had a huge party with all my family and friends.
-Lupito Gonzalez
Q. Are you going to go to a party?
A. No, I usually go to Portland, but I’m not going this year.
-Ciana Stinson
Q. What do you eat that day?
A. Usually my mom cooks a lot of Mexican food so we have more than one thing.
-Jorge Garibay
Q. What did you do last Cinco de Mayo?
A. I slept all day, so I missed out on celebrating.
-Jose Mendez
Q. Do you hang out with your family?
A. Yeah, most of the time. A lot of my family members come to my house.
-Araceli Zepeda
Q. Do you know what Cinco de Mayo is?
A. Sorta. I don’t really celebrate it because of my religion.
-Marissa Gomez
A. No, I don’t even know what Cinco de Mayo is.
-Corinne Van Lier
1. All I know is that Cinco de Mayo means the 5th of May.
-Maria Banderas

So as you can see, some students celebrate and some don’t. Some students don’t even know the meaning of Cinco de Mayo. In our opinion, the day should be celebrated because it recognizes another culture and a country's achievement. Learn more about the day, then get out next year to celebrate!


By Alyssa Brown

It's the end of the year
summer is finally here
find your swimmsuit and
hit the beach
just make sure it's the right time
right week
some may say bye
and some may say hi
but no matter where you're going
the sun is always shining
sparkling on your face like fire in the winter
nobody's standing in the way
you're a winner
it's the end of the year
eighth grade is almost here

Library aides help Waldo

By Cynthia Rivera and Kenny Ingham

We wrote a story about what the library aides do. Here are some questions we asked Monica Ochoa, a current aide.
Q1: What does it take to be a library aide?
A: Good grades and best behavior.
Q2: Are there going to be any changes to the library?
A: They are going to change the flooring.
Q3: If there are going to be other changes, then what kind of changes are there going to be?
A: I’m not sure.
Q4: What is your favorite part of being a library aide?
A: Delivering the papers.
Q5: Is it hard being a library aide?
A: It is hard at first, but then later on it gets easier.
So now you know about what’s going on in the library and the things they do. If you want to be a library aide next year then go get an application at the library.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Fixing of the School

By Gavin Fowser

Fix me up,
Clean me up,
Fix my rooms,
Fix my gym,
Pack me up then fix my floors,
Shine the tiles by hand or machine,
Make me look nice,
For the new year,
Keep me clean,
Take good care of me,
Paint me a new color,
Make me look nice,
For soon I will be the nicest on the block!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Disneyland promises tons of fun!

By Alyssa Brown & Taylor Kelsey

When I went to Disneyland with my family we went on every ride no
matter how scary. My mom said it helps with the nerves, and my mom was right. Once you’re on the ride your heart might as well run away with your lungs. During the haunted house ride, the costumes were the weirdest things ever, but the ride was really fun. I didn’t want to leave either, but my mom said I had to go back to school. So of course I came home. I think I might go back…someday!

Q: Have you gone to Disneyland, Coach Ron?
Yes I have, twice.
Q: What kind of rides are at Disneyland?

Taylor: Fun ones, some are scary.
Jorge: Very fun rides, but my favorite was Space Mountain.
Coach Ron: In general they all are fun.

Q: How many rides did you go on?
Taylor: Like all of them, except for a few of them are really scary.
Jorge: Mostly all of them.
Coach Ron: I don’t know…a bunch.

Q: Did you want to leave?
Taylor: No, because it’s so much fun.
Jorge: No, I begged my mom. I even told her we could stay at the hotel but she said it was too expensive.
Coach Ron: No, not really, but once you’ve seen it all you're going yah I’m good.

Q: Would you go back if you could?
Taylor: Yes, because it amazingly awesome.
Jorge : Yes, because it's do fun. At my house we do nothing, so if we went again I would try to go on every ride in one day.
Coach Ron: Yes I would, but if I did I would take my grandkids.

If you have a chance to go to Disneyland this summer, then you should because it is so much fun! Be sure to bring a swimsuit because you are going to get wet. Also, don't forget sunscreen!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Waldo students and staff discuss World Cup

By Heriberto Padilla and Rosio Lopez

The FIFA World Cup is only a couple of weeks away. The tournament is between June 11th and July 11th. They will start the games soon, then some teams will be in the tournament. The first World Cup was in 1930s. The winner of that World Cup was Uruguay. But this year will be different. There will be many teams but only one champion. I (Heriberto) think that Brazil will win. I (Rosio) don't have any idea who will win. Here are some people we interviewed about the teams who might win:

Q: Who do you think will win the World Cup?
Jose Gutierrez
A: Mexico
Jovani Corona
A: Spain
Q: What do you like about the World Cup?
Jovani Corona
A: I like the competition.
Edith Cisneros
A: It's fun to watch.
Q: What is your favorite soccer team?
Jose Gutierrez
A: Mexico
Jovani Corona
A: Mexico and Brazil
Q: Are you going to watch the World Cup or go to the World Cup?
Esmeralda Ramirez
A: I will watch it on TV.
Jovani Corona
A: I will watch it on TV.
Q: Do you like the World Cup or Super Bowl more?
Ms. Festa, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Luke, Ms. Medrano, Edith Cisneros, Christa Friday, and Mr. Jones
A: Superbowl
Jovani Corona
A: World Cup

In conclusion, we hope that your favorite team wins, as long as your favorite team is Brazil. If you can't make it to South Africa but you want to watch some live soccer, then be sure to check out your Waldo teams this spring. Who knows? Maybe some of them will play in the World Cup one day. You never know!